Register now for the first PANTERA Workshop

We are pleased to invite you to join the first PANTERA Workshop “Pan European Research and Innovation activities for Smart Grids, Energy Storage and Local Energy Systems” taking place on July, 2 2019.


  • Concepts and future trends in Smart grids, Storage and Local Energy Systems;
  • European Commission (EC) R&I policy and trends;
  • EU and national R&I funding opportunities;
  • Local and Pan-European R&I challenges and gaps;
  • Good R&I practices from different countries with both high and low activities in this field.

Scope & Objectives:

  • Identify and establish communication links with local R&I stakeholders active in the fields of smart grids, storage and local energy systems including policy makers, standardisation bodies and experts in both research and academia in the region.
  • Identify the key challenges in accelerating R&I activities in the region.
  • Engage and bring under the same umbrella all active entities / stakeholders in the field of smart grids / storage and local energy systems to leverage synergies and maximise benefits.
  • Exchange experience and knowledge between members of R&I community in collaboration with already on-going activities aiming to wider participation, strengthen objectives and extent replicability, scalability and impact of achieved results.
PANTERA Workshop “Pan European Research and Innovation activities for smart grids, energy storage and local energy systems”
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