WP1: Project coordination and management
D1.1 Project guidelines
This document combines all project description documents, namely Description of Work (DoW), its evolution to the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement. D1.1 document covers all management-related activities, providing all required tools to efficiently organise the work flow.
D1.2 Risk management report
This document offers an overview of the risk management methods and tools used, to identify all major potential risks and offer corresponding mitigation plans for the immaculate execution of the PANTERA project. A risk assessment along with contingency planning is provided in this deliverable. Detailed tables are presented comprising all identified risks, classified into categories highlighting the most critical of them.
D1.4 Quality Assurance Plan
This document describes the quality approach for the PANTERA project. The Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) defines the overall policies, the participant roles and responsibilities, the quality procedures and the means of ensuring that all the activities (R&D activities, deliverable writing, etc) are in conformance with the contract provisions and specifications.
D1.6 1st Project Progress Report
The purpose of Deliverable D1.6 is to provide a detailed description of the status of PANTERA project at M18 the middle of the second project year, the work completed as well as the activities planned for the next period.
D1.7 Project progress report
The purpose of the Technical Report 2 document is to provide a detailed description of the status of PANTERA project from M18 to M36, the work completed as well as the activities planned for the next period. During the third project year, substantial technical, scientific and dissemination activities have been initiated with very good progress achieved, completing all deliverables and milestones foreseen for this period.
D1.8 Final Project Progress Report
The purpose of the Technical Report 3 document is to provide a detailed description of activities of the PANTERA project from M37 to M54, the work completed as well as the activities planned in support of the EIRIE platform through post project activities of the members of the consortium.
WP2: Pan-European R&I community
D2.1 Report on stakeholder’s identification and interaction
This deliverable is intended to report and analyse the stakeholders identification and interaction process put in place by the PANTERA project. More in detail this report, through the analysis of the replies received to a dedicated questionnaire, proposes some preliminary analysis and hints that could be useful for the continuation of the work in order to reach all the PANTERA project objectives.
D2.2 Report on enhanced collaboration opportunities
This report covers the reported collaboration activities of stakeholders reported in the various actions and deliverables of the PANTERA consortium. It reports primarily the activities of stakeholders in the field of smart grids, storage and local energy systems relates it to government policies, and the collaboration of research institutes and organisations. Through comparing all these areas of research, possible intersection/collaboration of these different groups is brought in the focus, with the goal to improve the implementation of the targeted technologies and identify barriers that may prevent them.
D2.3 First report on interactions with European platforms and organizations
This deliverable reports the results of the activities performed within the PANTERA project task 2.3 “Interactions with European platforms and organizations”. The aim of this task is to establish collaboration links with European and international organizations to promote the activities of the PANTERA project and gather valuable and updated information from the global smart grids research and innovation field.
D2.4 Final Report on interactions with European platforms and organizations
This deliverable D2.4 reports the updated results of the activities performed within the PANTERA project task T2.3 “Interactions with European platforms and organizations” that have been achieved during the third reporting period between 1st January 2022 to 30th of June 2023.
WP3 The state of R&I, standardisation and regulation
D3.1 Report on current status and progress in R&I activities: Technology
In this report, extensive review has been done on the national, EU and International initiatives and some of the important methodologies to evaluate the smart grid projects and to understand the current R&I status and progress at national level towards the harmonised energy transition. PANTERA attempts here to develop a generalised methodology for an evaluation process of the R&I projects to achieve the integrated energy system at national and EU level.
D3.2 Report on Regulations, Codes and Standards in EU-28
This deliverable aims at reviewing Regulations, Codes and Standards (RCS) in the Smart Grid domain that will form valuable content to the EIRIE platform. The report is committed to be a useful source of structured information on European RCS in the Smart Grid domain. It contains discussions on practical and legal aspects of RCS and their possibility to support R&I activities.
D3.3 Report on community energy policy and barriers
This deliverable identifies the key policies for consumers’ empowerment and the missing links/barriers in related policies of the low spending countries as found in their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP). This is key for providing recommendations, build a profile of the countries and contribute to the PANTERA RICAP process in relation to the community energy policy and barriers.
D3.4 Initial report on key challenges and bottlenecks
This report (Deliverable 3.4) is the initial report on key challenges and bottlenecks and describes the work carried out within task 3.4 of the PANTERA (PAN European Technology Energy Research Approach) as a part of the ongoing effort in Work Package 3 (WP3) of the project. WP3 has been aimed at determining the state of research and innovation, standardisation and regulation with special attention to the key activity “energy policy and barriers”.
D3.5 Roadmap to 2030
This report (Deliverable 3.5) is the final deliverable “Roadmap to 2030” and describes the work carried out within task 3.5 of the PANTERA (PAN European Technology Energy Research Approach) covering the recommendations of the project consortium for post project activities in meeting the policies leading to 2030.
WP4: Key topics and content management
D4.1 Content and Topics for Dissemination and Networking Activities
The main objective of this report is to present the initial identification of the content aligned with Pan-European goals and priorities. This will form the baseline for the needs’ identification of the stakeholders and thus the content of the dissemination and networking activities.
D4.2 First Report on Identification of Gaps and Missing Subjects
The main objective of this report is the verification and adjustment of the content, identification of the gaps and missing points in Smart grid Research and Innovation (R&I) activities at national level. The whole process will continue for 30 months to identify the final gaps and missing contents to accelerate the R&I activities in Europe.
D4.2.2 Second Report on Identification of Gaps and Missing Subjects
This document is the second version of the report on the identification of gaps and missing subjects for the PANTERA target countries. Ongoing discussions with several pan-European industrial associations related to the selected approach on identifying R&I activities and gaps have enabled a continuous monitoring and adaptation of the approach. This deliverable also includes results of ongoing surveys and the outcomes of the individual interviews carried out during the last two PANTERA workshops.
D4.3 Final Report on Identification of gaps and missing subjects
This deliverable is the fourth in the series of five project reports in activity “Key topics and content management” (WP4). This deliverable builds on the previous ones, while updating objectives based on the revised EU policies because of the emergence of RepowerEU needs and requirements. These therefore affect the content and strategic objectives of the National NECPs, and this is specifically indicated in this deliverable.
D4.4 Assessment of the defined topics: relevance, driving forces and trends
The document summarizes results from “Key topics and content management” activity in H2020 project PANTERA. This is the fifth in the series of five project reports in activity “Key topics and content management” (WP4). The study linked its activities to evolution of the Pan-European regulatory landscape, which has been constantly changing in recent years, focusing on the long-term goals of decarbonising the power sector.
WP5: Workshop and dedicated stakeholders meeting organisation
D5.1 Workshop format
One of the main objectives of the PANTERA project is the organisation of several interactive regional and pan European workshops and webinars. This report illustrates the format that is going to be used for PANTERA workshops, which will be almost common for all workshops, to provide consistency. Moreover, this document will be used as a guideline for the consortium to prepare and organise PANTERA workshops.
D5.2 Report on the outcomes of regional workshops (intermediary)
A main goal of the organised workshops within PANTERA is to reach out to a wider range of local, regional and international stakeholders and initiatives, to discuss smart grid-related priorities of the respective regions and assess their needs. In this report, part of WP5 – Workshop and dedicated stakeholders meeting organisation, you will find the main outcomes of the regional and nano-workshops that took place during the first two years of the project. (2019 and 2020).
D5.3 Report on the outcomes of regional workshops (final)
This deliverable (D5.3: Report on the outcomes of regional workshops (final)), the work done within T5.3 is presented, with details from the main outcomes of the regional workshops and / or nano workshops. It follows where the previous deliverable finished and summarises the main outcomes from the regional workshops / nano workshops that took place during the period between 2021-2023.
D5.4 Report on the outcomes of pan-European and global workshops (intermediary)
One of the main objectives of the PANTERA project is the organisation of dedicated workshops to facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge, and building up the active participation of members of the R&I community. This report presents the main outcomes of the pan-European workshops that were organised during the first two years of the project (2019 and 2020).
D5.5 Report on the outcomes of Pan-European and Global Workshops (final)
One of the main objectives of the PANTERA project and specifically WP5, is Organisation of dedicated workshops which facilitate exchanges of experience and building up active participation of members of the R&I community. The participation of stakeholders in the organised workshops in collaboration with already on-going activities is aiming to wider participation, enlightening on policies adapted, strengthen objectives and extent impact of achieved results. Under this prism, the PANTERA consortium is organising these regional and pan-European workshops with a specific focus on the countries which are less active in research and innovation in smart grids, storage and local energy systems.
WP6: Collaboration working groups (WG)
D6.1 Review of EU strategic priorities and relevant policy developments
This deliverable aims at reviewing the EU policies on climate and energy. These include the EU 2030 and 2050 strategies (“A policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030” and “A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy” and relevant legislative acts, mostly focusing on “Clean energy for all Europeans”.
D6.2 Stakeholder consultation plans (one for each region/country)
The current document sets the initial consultation plan for the PANTERA project which may be enhanced further during the project execution based on identified stakeholder needs and interests. The purpose of the consultation plan is to establish a common framework for coordinated stakeholder engagement as it is an essential prerequisite for reaching PANTERA project’s ambitious target to create a multi-functional platform of pan-European status and influence.
D6.3 Consolidated Summary Report of Desk Activities in the Target Regions
This document provides a summary of activities performed within the Regional Desks framework from building up the approach and setting the objectives to analysing results and outlining next steps so far. It includes not only descriptions of activities within all Regions, but also supportive actions performed centrally, including developing and analysing dedicated survey, investigating pathways of implementation of Smart Specialisation, continuous update and monitoring of PANTERA country profiles and identification of best-practice examples.
D6.4 Catalogue of potential solutions to overcome acceptance barriers for each country
The long-term objective of PANTERA is to strengthen research and innovation (R&I) activities throughout Europe with special focus on the countries that appear to be less involved. To coordinate the work with target countries, PANTERA consortium has agreed and established a Desk approach by grouping target countries under six operational Desks and additionally defining Best Practice Desk. Thus, partners committed themselves to investigate specific local contexts, challenges and barriers hindering deeper involvement of the target countries in European R&I activities and uncover opportunities for collaboration by means of constant dialogue with variety of national stakeholders. This report summarizes common activities and the work performed under each Desk individually and discusses possible pathways to facilitate deeper involvement of low activity countries.
D6.5 Consolidated Summary Report of Desk Activities in the Target Regions
This deliverable aims at describing regional activities and is the final version of consolidated summary report on Desk activities. The first version released in 2020 (D6.3) provided a summary of activities performed within the Regional Desks framework from building up the approach and setting the objectives and identifying next steps. The current version is focused on the country specific case studies, aiming at providing deeper insights in regional specifics, challenges and barriers limiting the research and innovation (R&I) performance in the field of Smart Grids and beyond.
WP7 Methodology and exploitation management
D7.2 Report on the promotion of key mid-term R&I priorities for smart grids
The PANTERA project’s Report on the promotion of key mid-term R&I priorities for smart grids, which can be found in Deliverable D7.2, consider the specifically needed R&I development of Smart Grid trajectories which are a key factor for enabling the Energy Transition.
D7.3 Report on Appropriate Funding Instruments to ensure Project Sustainability
This deliverable “Report on Appropriate Funding Instruments to ensure Project Sustainability” reports on appropriate funding instruments to ensure project sustainability when the PANTERA project is finished. This deliverable was created with the objective of identifying suitable financing sources that would allow all project activities to continue uninterrupted even after the completion of the project.
D7.5 Report on Preliminary Business Development Activities
Deliverable D7.5 – “Report on Preliminary Business Development Activities,” focuses on the proactive planning and implementation of essential measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of the PANTERA project. Its primary objective is to outline specific business development activities that have been undertaken by the project partners for securing the required funding, towards continuing regional activities of the project and subsequently expanding the regional stakeholder network and fostering their increased participation in collaborative R&I activities.
WP8: Dissemination and Communication activities
D8.1 Dissemination, communication and cooperation plan
This report presents the plan for communication and dissemination, as well as the cooperation activities with identified stakeholders of the PANTERA project. It sets out to establish the strategy that will be used throughout the project to reach the different target audiences of the project, having them classified into several stakeholder groups. Different communication channels – online and offline – will be used to effectively communicate with the project stakeholders and general public.
D8.2 Promotion and marketing material
The current deliverable presents the project website and its structure, along with the project promotion and marketing materials. It elaborates on the target, main functionalities, contents and future developments of these project resources. The report also presents the project visual identity like for example, the project logo and project images.
D8.3 PANTERA Collaboration Platform: European Hub for Smart Grids
The current deliverable “PANTERA Collaboration Platform: European Hub for Smart Grids”, prepared within the Dissemination and Communication activities (WP8), presents the EIRIE platform, created to bring in one place the EU’s R&I community and strengthen participation and collaboration towards Energy Transition, while improving the participation of low-spending countries in R&I activities in the area of Smart Energy Systems.
D8.4 Report on Dissemination and Communication activities
The current document “Report on Dissemination and Communication activities”, prepared within the Dissemination and Communication activities (WP8), provides an account of the main communication and dissemination activities that took place within the PANTERA project. It follows the structure established in deliverable 8.1 Dissemination, Communication and Cooperation Plan, which described the strategy that would be used throughout the project to reach the different target audiences and project objectives
- EIRIE Platform Video
- EIRIE Platform Brochure
- Regional Desks Magna Carta [Download pdf | Flip through online]
Regional workshops | |
Budapest, Hungary 23 March 2023 | PANTERA-SUPEERA Joint Workshop “International research collaboration opportunities fostering EU Clean Energy transition in Romania” Workshop summary and outcomes [Download] Workshop slides [Download]
Budapest, Hungary (CANDO EPE 2022 conference) 21 November 2022 | PANTERA Workshop “Boosting the R&I activity on Smart Grid Technologies: Strengthening of regional activity in R&I facilitated by the European EIRIE platform”
Workshop summary and outcomes [Download] |
Hybrid (MedPower 2022) 8 November 2022 | PANTERA-SUPEERA Workshop “Boosting the R&I of Smart Grids, Storage and Energy communities” – Country: Malta Workshop summary and outcomes [Download] |
Paphos, Cyprus (at IEEE Smart Cities Conference 2022) 27 September 2022 | PANTERA Workshop “Boosting the R&I activity on Smart Grid Technologies Empowering Energy Citizens and Communities towards the Decarbonisation of “Energy Island” – Country: Cyprus Workshop summary and outcomes [Download]
Online 22 February 2021 | Smart Grid Research Data PANTERA nano-workshop Workshop summary and outcomes [Download] |
Online (MedPower 2020 conference) 10-11 November 2020 | PANTERA Cyprus workshop: “Energy transition through optimal use of the rich Renewable Energy Resources of the Mediterranean basin” Workshop summary and outcomes [Download] |
Athens, Greece 13 February 2020 | PANTERA Athens Workshop: “Green Islands as a driver for the Energy Transition – Going Renewable and Smart” Workshop summary and outcomes [Download] |
Dublin, Ireland 2 December 2019 | PANTERA Dublin Workshop: “PAN European Research and Innovation activities for Smart grids, Energy Storage and local Energy Systems” Workshop summary and outcomes [Download] |
Sofia, Bulgaria 2 July 2019 | PANTERA Sofia Workshop: “Pan European Research and Innovation activities for Smart Grids, Energy Storage and Local Energy Systems” Workshop summary and outcomes [Download] |
Pan-European workshops | |
Online 24 June 2020 | Pan-European PANTERA Workshop “For widening R&I activities in the EU in support of the energy transition” Workshop summary and outcomes [Download] |
- PANTERA May 2023 | Join us in Brussels for the final PANTERA event!
- PANTERA November 2022 | Upcoming PANTERA workshop “Boosting the R&I activity on Smart Grid Technologies” in Budapest | Join us in the Enlit EU Project Zone
- PANTERA September 2022 | Don’t miss PANTERA workshop: “Boosting the R&I activity on Smart Grid Technologies” | Visit our booth at EUSEW 2022
- PANTERA May 2022 | Riga Workshop Outcomes & upcoming workshops
- PANTERA March 2022 | PANTERA / SUPEERA” Joint Workshop on 27 April 2022 in Riga, Latvia & virtually!
- PANTERA November 2021 | Meet us at the SET Plan conference and Enlit event!
- PANTERA October 2021 | Join PANTERA at the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2021!
- PANTERA September 2021 | Don’t miss PANTERA and SUPEERA joint workshop: “Boosting the R&I activity on Smart Grid Technologies”
- PANTERA | Did you miss EIRIE’s demo and the last PANTERA workshop?
- PANTERA July 2021 | The EIRIE platform is live | Upcoming workshop on 9 July
- PANTERA February 2021 | Smart Grid Research Data Workshop | Remote testing & EIRIE Platform: DERlab/ ERIGRID 2.0/ PANTERA Webinar
- PANTERA August 2020 – First pan-European virtual workshop in replay | EU Green Deal call
- PANTERA June 2020 – First Pan-European virtual workshop | Regional Desks
- PANTERA November 2019 – Register now for the upcoming PANTERA Dublin Workshop
- PANTERA October 2019 – Save the date for the next workshop in Dublin | Public consultation for upcoming report
- Bridging the gap between researchers and entrepreneurs FOSS Research Centre, University of Cyprus, July 2023
Author: V. Efthymiou |
- “Implementing The Clean Energy Package: best practices in overcoming barriers”, CIRED 2021, September 2021
Authors: A. Morch, V. Efthymiou, C.N. Papadimitriou, A. Mutule, K. Berg |
- “Empowering energy transition in Estonia” (“Energiapöörde mõjuvõimu suurendamine Eestis”), Elektrijaala, pp. 8-10, 2021/1 ISSN 1406-4464, September 2021
Authors: A. Mutule, I. Antoskova |
- “Development of Smart Grid Standards in View of Energy System Functionalities.”, Splitech 2021, September 2021
Authors: A. Mutule, I. Antoskova, C. N. Papadimitriou, V. Efthymiou, A. Morch |
- “A concept for flexible and self-adaptable classification of ETIP SNET technologies and functionalities.”, ELMA 2021 IEEE, July 2021
Authors: C.N. Papadimitriou, V. Efthymiou, R. Stanev, S. Khadem |
- “Development of Network Codes to Facilitate the Energy Transition”, icSmartGrid2021, June-July 2020.
Authors: P. Carroll, S. Khadem, A. Mutule, A. Nouri, C.N. Papadimitriou, R. Stanev, M. Cabiati |
- “Research and Innovation Supporting Energy Transition: Challenges for Wider Participation of Lagging Countries.”, 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, June 2021.
Authors: A. Mutule, I. Antoskova, A. Morch, V. Efthymiou, C.N. Papadimitriou |
- “Facilitating research and innovation for energy transition”, published in Lithuanian energy journal “ENERGETIKA”, June 2021.
Authors: A. Mutule, I. Antoskova, R. Lazdins, R. Urbonas |
- “Clean energy research and innovation initiatives”, published in EP Energija Un Pasaule (Latvian professional journal), February 2020.
Authors: A. Mutule, I. Antoskova, R. Lazdins |
- “The role of Research and Innovation in the European Union’s energy development” (Petijumu un inovāciju loma Eiropas Savienibas energetikas attistiba), published in EP Energija Un Pasaule (Latvian professional journal), October 2019.
Authors: A. Mutule, I. Antoskova, R. Lazdins |
- “PAN European Approach for Strengthening Research and Innovation in Smart Grids, Energy Storage and Local Energy Systems”, published in 11th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference (BulEF), September 2019.
Authors: R. Stanev, A. Krusteva, M. Georgiev, T. Todorova, C. Papadimitriou, V. Efthymiou, C. Panayi, M. Shalaby, P. Carroll, S. Khadem, M.Cabiati, L. Martini, A. Morch, A. Mutule, I. Antoskova, T. Tsitsanis, G. Papadopoulos |