SUPEERA/PANTERA Workshop "Fostering EU Clean Energy transition in Hungary"

Date: 26 October 2022

Time: 09:00 – 17:00 CEST

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Hungary is actively working towards the success of the energy transition objectives and implementation of declared policies for achieving the low carbon economy. Yet, together with other less involved countries, it shows low participation rates in research and innovation (R&I) activities and the realisation of the European Union’s Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan Implementation Plans. As a consequence, and compared to more successful Member States, it has received only a marginal contribution of EU R&I Horizon 2020’s budget.

In this context, SUPEERA and PANTERA are joining forces with the objective to enhance collaboration in R&I activities in Hungary, facilitate knowledge exchange and showcase best practices of how international networking and cooperation between national stakeholders and key international associations and organisations can be beneficial for establishing long-lasting interactions and fostering joint R&I activities.

Therefore, this workshop will offer a detailed overview of the European policies, strategies, EU funding programmes and collaboration opportunities at the disposal to the research community of Hungary with the aim to bringing them closer to the R&I activities of Europe and get active with the SET Plan process. Meanwhile, the invited experts and stakeholders will share their experience in the project implementation.

Draft Agenda

Welcome address – János Levendovszky, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

European strategy and latest policy and legislative developments supporting clean energy transition – EC (DG ENER / DG RTD)

The SUPEERA project: Mobilization of EU‐13 national public research resources in the Clean Energy Transition: challenges and opportunities – Ivan Matejak, SUPEERA coordinator, EERA

Panel discussion: Hungary’s involvement in the SET Plan, Hungary’s participation in EU funded projects

  • Representative from the Hungarian Ministry of Innovation and Technology (TBC)
  • Orsolya Küttel, Counselor/(Hungarian NCP), Department for International Affairs at National Research Development and Innovation Office
  • Ákos Horváth, Director General, Centre of Energy Research
  • Márton Pete, Senior Knowledge Management Expert, MVM

R&I opportunities for collaboration and funding – Spyridon Pantelis , Project Manager, EERA

Panel Discussion : Opportunities to increase participation in join R&I activities

  • Daniel Horn, Centre of Economics and Regional studies
  • Schenk Borbála, Chief European research funding advisor, Center for University-Industry Cooperation at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Chavdar Ivanov, Managing Director, gridDigIt

PANTERA and the EIRIE platform – Mattia Cabiati, PANTERA Project, RSE

Outcomes of PANTERA interaction with the stakeholders – Andrei Morch PANTERA project, SINTEF

Open discussion and Q&A


SUPEERA / PANTERA joint workshop “International research collaboration opportunities fostering EU Clean Energy transition in Hungary”
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