What is EIRIE?

EIRIE is a collaborative multi-functional platform standing for European Interconnection for Research Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

Within the PANTERA project and in close collaboration with the European Commission and important stakeholders such as JRC (EC Joint Research Centre), ETIP SNET (ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition) and ERA-Net SES (ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems), we have been hard at work on developing EIRIE, a platform that will act as THE meeting point of all actors active in the field of energy research & Innovation from all Europe. 

EIRIE is complementing the objective of setting up a European forum composed
of Research & Innovation stakeholders, including policy makers, standardisation
bodies and experts, representing the EU energy system.

Don’t miss the opportunity of a live demo of all the tools and functionalities of the platform during our workshop “The key role of the R&I unified approach across EU for boosting smart grids investments: The EIRIE platform” at the 5th Cretan Energy Conference on July 9, between 9:00 and 12:20 (CEST).

Thanks to the establishment of our Regional Desks (more information), EIRIE will be active at both regional and EU level at the same time and will foster critical data, information and rich content that can be utilised by all actors of the smart grid R&I community be it researchers, industrial parties, academia or SMEs.

Benefits of using the platform

An easy access to information on potential funding and consortium building, useful for all the actors of the Research & Innovation community in Europe, be it researchers, industrial parties, academia or SMEs.


A central point for collaborating on the issues relevant for the energy sector in general, and particularly to the decarbonization of the European energy system.


An active role in the community and a support in providing input to European policies, that will better reflect European national needs.

Use our hashtag #WeAreEIRIE if you’d like to share with us your feedback on the EIRIE platform. It’s also an easy way to see all the posts related to the platform on social media!

The EIRIE platform is live
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