IERC 2021 conference will take place virtually on 27-29 April 2021. It will be an opportunity to assess the next steps towards achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and net zero emissions in Ireland by 2050, especially in the context of post-pandemic activities in Ireland and the Irish government’s National Energy and Climate Plan.”
Shafi Khadem (IERC, PANTERA partner) will be presenting highlights of IERC’s research and activities related to the topic day 2: “Reimagining the role of the energy market in the transition to Net Zero” (Wednesday, 28th April 10:30 – 13:00). Furthermore, he will be presenting part of the PANTERA activities and the EIRIE platform. Andrew Keane (UCD, PANTERA partner) will be leading the panel session and PANTERA project coordinator Venizelos Efthymiou (FOSS University of Cyprus) will be joining as a panellist.
More information and registration here.