Pan-European PANTERA Virtual Workshop (EUSEW 2020) outcomes

PANTERA project’s mission and goals were presented, along with the value it will bring to the research and innovation energy community via PANTERA regional desks, working teams, and the platform.

Furthermore, the EU policy for 2030 and 2050, along with the role of the R&I community towards a green recovery were discussed. 

All the workshop attendees could participate and interact during the organised two round tables. The main theme of the first round table was the collaboration with JRC and smart specialisation platform for meeting the objectives of the Green deal vision. A series of questions related to the Green deal and its impact on the regional level, but also the platform which will be developed within PANTERA were also asked to the participants (Find all the details in the workshop summary below).

The second round table revolved around the teaming of ETIP SNET and Bridge in enhancing the evaluation process of projects in support of R&I priorities roadmap. The newly launched “R&I priorities” Task Force, a joint effort of BRIDGE and the ETIP SNET in the context of the European Green Deal was presented. Further discussed was the EU Green Deal and its energy-related policies, aspects and implications which require R&I developments. 

Participants could give their point of view on how the main project outcomes can be efficiently developed into key exploitable results and then into products or solutions ready for the success in the markets. 

The concept and importance of the platform, especially to support the R&I community in Europe were also presented in details.  

The vision of the platform is by making available tools and features that will provide the needed knowledge, information, and data.

Workshop Agenda & Summary

Workshop summary [Download]

Time Content Presenter/Moderator

Opening the workshop and introduction to the PANTERA process
[Download]     [Watch]

Dr. Venizelos Efthymiou, PANTERA coordinator, FOSS Cyprus chairman (presenter)


EU policy for 2030 to 2050 and the role of the R&I community
[Download]     [Watch]

Dr. Efstathios Peteves, Head of Unit, Joint Research Centre (JRC) European Commission


Collaborating with JRC and the Smart Specialisation Platform for meeting the objectives of the Green Deal for reaching out and leaving no one behind
[Download]    [Watch]

Round Table 1 [Download]

Dr. Christina Papadimitriou (moderator) Special Scientist FOSS

Invited contributors: Mrs. Isabelle Seigneur and Mr. Fernando Merida-Martin (EC Joint Research Centre (JRC), Smart Specialisation Platform on Energy (S3PEnergy team)


The PANTERA platform in support of the R&I community in EU and much more
[Download]    [Watch]

Dr. Venizelos Efthymiou,
PANTERA coordinator, FOSS Cyprus (presenter)


Teaming with ETIP SNET and BRIDGE in enhancing the evaluation process of projects in support of R&I priorities roadmap
[Download]    [Watch]

Roundtable 2 [Download]

Dr. Luciano Martini, RSE, Coordinator EERA JP on Smart Grid (moderator)

Invited contributors: Dr. Michela Marasco (DG ENER) and Prof. Nikos Hatziargyriou (ICCS/NTUA)


Wrap up and conclusions 

Dr. Venizelos Efthymiou, FOSS

Pan-European PANTERA Virtual Workshop (EUSEW 2020) outcomes
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